Todd Mitchell Biography

Todd attended the Emily Carr College of Art and Design where he studied Painting and Printmaking, later continuing his studies at the University of Guelph. He continues to create art of an impeccable quality, constantly embarking on new and inspired paths. Trained and experienced in a variety of art forms, Todd ceaselessly creates thoughtful and rich pieces - whatever the medium. Among his many previous endeavours are the illustration of small limited edition books, designing and screen-printing patterns for fabric and wallpaper, as well as painting with both oils and watercolours.

His paintings, for which he is most known, have been sold to private collectors throughout Canada, the U.S. and internationally. Mostly a symbolist, his style has been described as allusive and thoughtfully obsessive, while maintaining a touching subjectivity. As with all of us, Todd’s “subjectivity” is gleaned from the myriad of personal experiences - People, places, family, interests... His art, filtered through these lenses manifests a quiet intensity even in the most simple of subject matters.

Todd's statement of intent, primarily regenerating an aesthetic value in art beyond the idealism of modernism and a snide postmodernism, was established through 5 primary shows of his work in the 90's and 2000's and continues through ongoing shows of paintings, design and sculpture.